You Need This Mindset to Excel in 2023

Cam Caldwell
2 min readDec 4, 2022
Photo by Nina Uhlikova

For the first time in history, we have this unique opportunity to truly get paid to be ourselves.

The platforms and communities exist that will allow us to do the things we love, the way we want to do them, and sustain ourselves while doing so.

The hardest part is just showing up.

Yes, any amount of work is still work. But any reasonable person can agree that work you enjoy doing on your own terms is the best type of work there is.

As you slow down into the holidays and finally have a chance to breathe, seriously think about the type of life you want to live. Think about the impact you want to make on your friends, community or the world at large.

Then ask yourself, “What platform or medium do I need to leverage to have that impact?”

Spend some time on YouTube learning how other people do it.

Go to the library and borrow a book about whatever it is.

Just learn.

And don’t shy away from making it known that you’re still learning.

Once you have an understanding of how to leverage the platforms and tools that are out there to help you succeed…just show up on day 1.

