90 Days of Code: Happy Holidays

Cam Caldwell
Dec 25, 2020

What’s up beautiful people. It’s Christmas Eve and there’s nothing I would love more than to keep checking in with everyone that has been reading and following along with this journey. However, I have just decided the take the holidays off from updates, to have more time to spend with family. I’ll also be celebrating a birthday early next week so there will be a lot of self care going on very soon. I will still be getting some work done. And I can’t wait to discuss the things I’ve learned over the break. But, it’s time I take this much-needed leave so that I can put my best foot forward in the New Year.

Happy Holidays.

May you and yours stay safe.

And I look forward to seeing you in the New Year.



Cam Caldwell

A creative sharing insights that people hopefully find useful. thecamcaldwell.com