90 Days of Code: 4 Days Down

Cam Caldwell
2 min readDec 16, 2020
Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash

What’s up everybody. It’s day 4 of my coding Bootcamp and I’m honestly tired of writing. Between a full-time job, juggling freelance projects, protecting my mental health, and dodging COVID… I’m honestly exhausted. It’s currently after 11 pm and I’m pressed to get today’s update out before the day is over. I made the commitment to document every day though, so that’s what I’m going to do.

That’s the reality of this process. Change can be very hard, and it’s just so easy to revert back to what is comfortable. We want to take the road of least resistance. However, if I was content with my reality, I would not be seeking such a change. At times like this, I rely on my first post of this series.

What am I doing this for again?

“ I want to have a hand in creating the technology that is going to shape the next 20 years of my life.” — Cameron Caldwell

“My motto is that I wish to design the culture I want to see.” — Cameron Caldwell

Both of the above quotes are signed and cemented in internet stone. I made a promise to myself that I can’t break again.

Today’s lesson was a continuation of my dive into CSS. This module introduced classes and ids.

I won't get into the weeds of these two today, but rest assured that I have a pretty solid understanding of the two. A couple of things to note, however:

An id can only be used to identify one element. For example, if I gave the “heading” id to <h1>, then I could not give the “heading” id to <h2>, <h3>, or any other tag.

<h1 id=“heading”>My Heading</h1>

When recalling on my CSS page:

#heading {


On the other hand, I can assign the same class to multiple elements, as well as assigning multiple classes to a single element. For example, if I assign two classes to an image, it would look like this:

<img class=“main large” src= example.com>

main and large being the two classes attached to the image.

When recalling on my CSS page:





We also touched on pseudo-classes. These are phantom states or specific characteristics of an element that can be targeted with CSS. One of the most common examples would be the hover state for when a mouse hovers over an element. These classes are denoted with a colon, ex. :hover

It’s 11:50pm now. Thank you for following along this far, and I look forward to a more lighthearted update tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day.



Cam Caldwell

A creative sharing insights that people hopefully find useful. thecamcaldwell.com